বিচারবিভাগ definitions

Bangla-Tangla Dictionary
বিচারবিভাগ – the judiciary
Samsad Bengali-English Dictionary
বিচার [ bicāra ] n consideration, deliberation; argument; discussion; decision; inference; a (judicial) trial; judgment, finding. কাজির বিচার (derog.) mockery or travesty of justice. বিচার করা v. to consider, to deliberate; to argue; to dis cuss; to decide; to infer; to try (judicially); to judge. ~ক, ~কর্তা n. a judge; a justice. fem. ~কর্ত্রী । বিচারকমন্ডলী n. the judges; The Bench. বিচার করণিক n. a judicial clerk. ~কার্য n. trial; judgment. ~ক্ষম a. able or authorized to judge. ~ক্ষমতা n. ability to judge; competence or authority to judge. ~ণীয় same as বিচার্য ।~দেয়ক n. courtfee, ~পতি n. a judge; a justice. ~পদ্ধতি, ~ব্যবস্থা n. the judicial system; the legal procedure. ~বিবেচনা n. deliberation, consideration; proper or due consideration. ~বিভাগ n. the judiciary; the judges of a state collectively. ~ফল n. finding, judgment, verdict. ~বিভ্রাট n. miscarriage of justice, a travesty of justice. ~বিহীন, ~শূন্য a. lacking in judgment, unjust; inconsiderate; indiscriminate. বিচারা poet. form of বিচার করা । বিচারাধীন a. under investigation; on trial; sub judice, under judicial consideration. বিচারালয় n. a court of justice, a law-court, a court. বিচারাসন n. a judgment-seat, the bench. বিচারিত a. considered, deliberated; argued; discussed; decided, adjudged; inferred; (judicially) tried; judged, adjudicated. বিচারী a. one who considers or judges (সুবিচারী).

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