বিশ্বজিৎ definitions

Bangla-Tangla Dictionary
বিশ্বজিৎ – Biswajit [name]
Samsad Bengali-English Dictionary
বিশ্ব [ biśba ] n the world, the earth; the universe. ☐ a. all; entire, whole. ~কর্মা n. (myth.) the heavenly architect (cp. Vulcan). ~কোষ n. an encyclopaedia, a cyclopaedia. ~চরাচর n. the entire universe mobile and immobile. ~জন n. all people of the world; mankind. ~জননী n. the mother of the universe; Goddess Durga (দুর্গা). ~জনীন a. universal; philanthropic. ~জনীনতা n. universality; philanthropy. ~জিৎ n. conqueror of the world. ~নাথ n. God; Shiva (শিব). ~নিখিল same as বিশ্বসংসার । ~নিন্দুক a. (given to) decrying the whole world, decrying everything and everybody in the world; (loos.) censorious; cynical. ~পরিক্রমা n. going or walking round the world, travelling round the world. ~পা, ~পাতা, ~পালক n. the preserver of the world; God. ~পিতা n. the father of the world; God. ~প্রীতি, ~প্রেম n. universal love; philanthropy. ~প্রেমিক a. loving the whole universe; philanthropic. ☐ n. one who loves the whole universe; a philanthropist, a philanthrope. ~বন্দিত a. world famous, universally acclaimed. ~বাসী a. inhabiting the world; cosmopolitan. ☐ n. same as ~জন । ~বিখ্যাত a. world-famous. ~বিদ্যালয় n. a university. ~বিধাতা n. the creator of the world, God. ~বিমোহন, ~বিমোহী a. charming or bewitching the whole world. fem. ~বিমোহিনী । ~বিশ্রুত same as ~বিখ্যাত । ~ব্যাপি a. world-wide. ~ব্রহ্মাণ্ড n. the whole universe. ~ভ্রাতৃত্ব, ~মানবতা n. international brotherhood, internationalism. ~মৈত্রী n. universal or inter national friendship or amity. ~ম্ভর n. one who sustains the world; God; Narayana (নারায়ণ). ~ম্ভরা n. fem. She who sustains all creatures; Mother Earth; the earth. ~যুদ্ধ n. a world war. ~রূপ n. the body in which the entire universe is reflected or exhibited; one whose form is represented by the entire universe; Narayana (নারায়ণ). ~শান্তি n. world peace. ~সংসার n. the whole universe. ~সংসারে adv. in the whole universe; all over the world. ~সাহিত্য n. the literature of the world, world literature. ~সৃষ্টি n. the creation of the world. ~স্রষ্টা n. the Creator of the world, God.

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